At Iberlim we combine the best and most up-to-date knowledge of cleaning processes with robotics and technology.
We are constantly innovating, providing you with autonomous and robotised solutions, making the cleaning of your space more effective, ecological and sustainable.
Sectors of operation

We provide the following services
Floor Cleaning and Sanitation
We implement robotic solutions in various sectors. This cleaning process is divided into three robotic typologies: Scrubbers, Sweepers and Vacuum Cleaners. These machines work autonomously and programmed to ensure the hygiene of the entire floor.
UV Disinfection Solutions
The application of UV provides disinfection of surfaces and air, eliminating all viruses and bacteria present in the area.
Innovation and technology
A constantly updated service
Shared service management platform
Service operational management app
Continuous software updates of the robots
Constant cleaning, 365 days a year
Robotic cleaning allows for optimised planning, reducing or even eliminating water consumption and saving between 10% and 15% in electricity consumption.

We guarantee customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of services
Our Quality, Environment and Safety Department continuously ensures that high quality standards are maintained through training, research and implementation of new techniques and organisational development, as well as regular audits, both independently and when required, in line with our customers.
APCER Certificate
CEPA Certificate

We strive to develop our staff and are a benchmark in the market for the quality of our teams.
Through an experienced operational structure, we ensure that all our clients are continuously monitored and guided towards maintaining the highest quality standards.
Ensuring compliance with best practices with our people is a priority for us, and we have successfully completed the Labor Compliance Certification process, a seal promoted by APFS and verified by SGS.
Our business model is based on 5 strategic pillars:
Identification of needs
We survey the needs and expectations of our customers. With an experienced team, Iberlim works together with its customers to clearly define their entry requirements.
Our innovation team is constantly seeking the best practices, equipment and materials in order to guarantee excellent quality.
The performance of the robotic solutions are:
- More autonomy and speed
- Constant cleaning, 365 days a year
- Reduction of water consumption
- Route and resource optimisation
The robotic solutions are equipped with various components, which guarantee their efficient and safe performance.
Communication with the client
The client has access to automatically generated daily, weekly and monthly reports, which allow him to have immediate information about:
- Clean area
- Water consumption information
- Cleaning routes
- Notifications of malfunctions
Modular and versatile solution.
Meet our autonomous mobile robot (AMR), with an innovative docking system, disinfection tower(s) and route and service management software that enables remote operation control.

Request a budget
We adjust our service offering according to your needs, offering customised solutions for your business.